Home of the Premium Quality Hair that you know you deserve
Home of the Premium Quality Hair that you know you deserve
October 13, 2020 1 min read
Dangit, I am late again for Tutorial Tuesday, I really need to get my life together guys🤗 We have had a lot of hair coming in from India and Indonesia and we have a lot of orders going out to all of you lovely people, so I spend most of my time washing and conditioning hair. Today I just wanted to show you the different textures to expect when you receive your hair.
July 24, 2021 0 min read
October 27, 2020 1 min read
I had some nice waves going on today and curls but I was fingering it while I was sitting at my desk working so that it just got real big. But this is raw Indonesian hair, I have in a frontal and two bundles. I did a video with me doing a soaking method, to bleach the hair, and I damaged it. So, I kind of trimmed off those damaged ends and tried to do a little bob. You can still see I got some little curl action going on here. This hair is beautiful guys, I just wanted you to see how beautiful it was.